
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Beth's mini review!!!

As we have previously posted, our music video is now finished! Wahooo! Now that the hard works done it's just the evaluation that we have to finish. But before we move onto that, just wanted to type up a few words in review of our video :) I am really pleased with our video overall. My favourite part about it is the green screen effect we used on our photographs. It took alot of work to get those right but I think it has a real wow factor and we are apparently the first students at our college to attempt it so yay for us! I also like the push transition effect we used on one of the choruses. Initially we were worried that the effect would look too amateur and cheesy but were forced to use it as the vocals overlapped and we wanted a smoother transition between the shots of our artists. In the end I think it actually looked good and fit well with the song. I was also pleased with our finished film as it has so much shot variety including CUs, MCUs, MS, LS,over the shoulder shots and hand held shots as well as alot of different angles. However, there are some elements of our video which I am less happy with such as the arrow scenes in which I think our actors look slightly awkward. But overall I don't think this has too much of a negative effect on the video :) See you for the evaluation! :D

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