
Tuesday 15 November 2011

Website Design Research

The website that I designed during the planning stages got good feedback from Beth and Bronwyn. I think that they likd the arty approach that the website design shows. Looking at the website criteria that our teachers gave us, the design fits in well within the criteria as it informs Jenny & Johnny's fans about the upcoming tours and shows off different aspects of the band such as their lastest music video and twitter feed.

In the next few lessons I will try to create some images that show off the actor and actress that are choosen to be Jenny & Johnny in our music video. I think that instead of using a normal image of them, by editing it and using different effects it will show the qwerty character that they seem to have. This will also fit wthin the retro feel that the band portray.

Currently the band has quite a plain, dull website that appears to have been created on a wordpress. These websites are very easily recognisable as they all have similar layouts.

Jenny & Johnny

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