
Tuesday 15 November 2011

iiiiiitttttt'ssss filming day!!!!

Today after our Media Studies class we are going to go to our music video locations and start the filming process. No doubt there will be various issues that won't go as brilliantly as we would like but on the other hand there's bound to be somethings that go brilliantly or some things that we film that we didn't plan for but are brilliant themselves!
We're nervous, ARGH!!!!
Beth, the actor and myself are getting the college bus to one of the locations, the actress is meeting us there and Bronwyn is going to join us after a class she has in the afternoon. Tuesday was the only day that was relatively possible to film on, as we can't film on weekends due to work commitments and all other free time during the week, there is at least one of us all who wouldn't be able to make it.

Wish us luck!!! =]

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