
Monday 17 October 2011

Our Pitch :)

As you can see in the video below we pitched our music video to the group last friday. Unfortunately Bronwyn was unable to attend as she was on a college trip to Finland. However, she did work on the powerpoint presentation with us beforehand. When creating the presentation we split the slides up so that each group member did an equal ammount and we all worked very hard on making our slides look pretty and enlightened! But typically when we all emailed our individual slides to my home email to be put together onto one powerpoint the technology had other ideas but, long story short, after much stress and a last minute scramble we managed to get the presentation ready on time for tuesdays deadline. As it turned out we didn't have to do our presentation until Fridays lesson which gave us slightly more time to prepare ourselves. We were very nervous about pitching our idea to the group but overall we felt the pitch didn't go too badly although we were worried that we didn't give a clear enough description of our idea so we explained it in a little more detail after the group had discussed our idea. We recieved some feedback on both our pitch and our idea as a whole which we will be posting to the blog shortly. See you soon! :)

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