
Wednesday 18 January 2012

17th January - Editing!

Since I was ill last Friday I missed our media lesson so I was really looking forward to seeing what Bronwyn and Mart had managed to get done. They'd edited about the first minute of the film and I thought it looked really good :) I wanted to make up for missing a lesson so we cracked on with the editing straight away. We decided that it was best to put all the clips we were using into the right order first and then cut them down before lining up the lip synching. This is because we didn't want to spend ages getting the lip synching right only to knock it all out of synch again if we changed anything. We managed to get about another minute of the film edited and also experimented with a few transitions before deciding on the "Push" effect for one of our chorus scenes. We decided this transition would be appropiate as the vocals on the song overlap so it made it look alot smoother when moving from the shot of one of our actors singing to the other. We're pleased with how everything is looking and so far and can't wait to get it finished! :)


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