
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Choosing Locations

For our music video we require three seperate locations, a house, a street and a park. As a group we have been considering the best locations to use for this. So far we have decided to use my house as our "house" location, particularly because it is close to where our actors live therefore it is more conveniant for them and means we don't have to worry about arranging transport for them. We also think that it is aestetically appropiate for our video. The second location we have chosen for our video is Victoria Park in Ilkeston for our park scenes. This is because it is conveniant for most of group members and actors to get to and it also looks the part. We also liked this park because it has a bandstand which we think will lend itself to some really interesting shots. At the moment we are still debating between two possibilites for our street scene so I will blog about that when we come to a final decision. Happy Wednesday :)

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