
Saturday 8 October 2011

Influential Music Videos

For our music video project we have been looking at music videos from our artist and artist that we think are simular to help us find inspiration for our own video.  Here are a few of the videos that we have been inspired by.

Johnathan Rice - We're All Stuck Out In The Desert Video
As Jenny and Johnny are a relatively new band they don't actually have a music video yet. However, Johnny has a music video from his solo project which Jenny features in so we decided to look at this video to give us an idea of the kind of style and conventions they use in their videos. One thing we really liked about this video is the photograph idea which we are considering using in our own video.

One Night Only - Say You Don't Want It Official Video
We chose to look at this video because it had the kind of "alternative love story" element which we intend to use in our own music video. We were really inspired by the urban setting of this video and thought it created a really interesting visual back drop to the love story which kept the video interesting,
We will be analysing these videos in further detail and will create textual analysis grids which we will post to the blog. We will also be including these videos in our Pitch.


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